
List of Macros across Office Tools

Here is a list of Macros I have written for various Office tools. Usually we feel that any repetitive task requires a macro. That is a wrong concept. Typically, repetitive tasks indicate that the method you are using is inefficient. Usually there is an efficient way to do the same job – which eliminates the repetition.

Macros should be written to create capabilities which you need but the product does not offer that feature. All the macros described below fall in this category.

  1. When NOT to record a macro in Excel
    This is not a macro. But it explains an important concept.
    The idea is to use macros to extend the application and add missing functionality.
    Often, macros are created for features that already exist. This happens due to lack of awareness.
  2. Excel – Amount to Words macro
    A comprehensive macro to convert numbers to Words.
    Available only for Indian Rupees. 16 configurable parameters. Extremely flexible.


    Amount to Words : one of the most useful Macros I have written
  3. Excel – Macro to Explode Pivot table by Filter Field Items
    Very useful to create separate files based upon items in the filter area of pivot tables. The output is a working pivot table with filtered data only. This way you give the ability to use full features of pivot and prevent removal of filter to maintain confidentiality.


    PivotFilterExplode macro
  4. Excel – Paste as Pivot – New way to use Pivot table data
    Creates bulk GetPivotData statements based upon selected cells in pivot data (value) area. Very useful for accurately referring to pivot values outside the pivot table for creating custom reports.
  5. Excel – Scribble a line and generate data (and chart)
    A very interesting tool where you draw a freehand line and the data for it is auto-generated in Excel
    Excel scribble tool
  6. PowerPoint – Arrange Pictures instantly – great for arranging logos…


    how to create our customers slide in seconds by Dr. Nitin Paranjape
  7. PowerPoint – Split text into words or characters
    Split Text Macro
  8. PowerPoint – Split and Animate tables by cell
    split table macro poster
  9. PowerPoint – Run multiple presentations easily using this add-in
    multiple presentations add-in

Do you have some requirement which needs a macro?

Post it as a comment. If it is generically beneficial, I will try to create it for you.


7 Responses

  1. Is there a tool/spreadsheet that can help me keep a log of number of words typed daily on my laptop across multiple word files automatically?

  2. Sir, Thank you for the tools shared which will be helpful in due course. I need your help in Macros. I have a file that tracks certain action items or activity to be completed by certain people by certain date. I need a Macro that can on the Run date, search the document for due dates, check if dates have passed by and the Action status is still Open (not closed) and trigger an email to email id of person responsible with the Action update and seek updated status. This is a monthly activity and would help if a Macro is developed to simplify this

  3. Hi Sir , thanks for the contribution made , can we have Macro where we drill down a pivot and instead of having the drill report on a separate sheet , it will go and show the relevant rows in the Main original source data itself. so we can directly edit any thing in main data itself and just refresh the pivot.

    1. What you are asking for is not possible.
      Just maintain the main pivot table and run the macro each time.

      If you create a separate copy of the data, then it is not a central pivot table anyway.
      If you want to drill down data easily and explore it intuitively, import the same data into Power BI desktop and use the Distribution Tree visual.
      It is amazingly useful.

  4. i have got one macro from internet where in double clicking on any particular cell in pivot will take you to its underline data sets, but i am not able to modify it

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