
How to use Decomposition Tree in Power BI

Decomposition tree is an amazing but lesser known (and used) visual in Power BI. It is a native visual and it is designed for data brainstorming (a term I coined to describe this visual). Learn why and how to use it and also when to use it. Watch this interesting video 15 min video.

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14 min video. The benefits of using Decomposition Tree

Table of contents – Decomposition tree

  1. Introduction – 00:00
  2. Create Decomposition Tree visual – 00:25
  3. Use the Decomp Tree – 02:21
  4. Display options – 03:00
  5. Conditional formatting – 05:00
  6. AI based exploration – AI Split – 05:36
  7. Manual vs AI split – 08:19
  8. Locking levels – 08:50
  9. Decomp tree with other visuals – 09:20
  10. When to use this visual? – 10:46
  11. Decomp tree inside regular report – 11:20
  12. Decomposition tree with page tooltip – 12:49
  13. Summary – 13:32


  1. Use this for open ended, interactive exploration of your data
  2. Add the main parameter to analyse – a numeric aggregation like sales, revenue, cost, etc.
  3. Add other dimensions or fields which influence the key parameter
  4. Now click the plus sign and choose the fields to break down the earlier level
  5. Use High value / Low value to automatically choose the field
  6. Use with other visuals for cross filtering and visual what-if analysis
  7. Use with page tooltips to get details for any node
  8. Add the decomp tree visual in regular reports as well. This way, you can create

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