
Unleash the artist in you: Use Artistic Effects in PowerPoint

Just click on a picture – choose Picture Tools menu – Artistic Effects and try each one by moving the cursor over each type. Get amazed. There are 22 of these effects available. Choose the one which suits the presentation context the most.

PowerPoint artistic effects

Download this presentation (12 MB) to see all available artistic effects in detail – compared with the original picture. Just run the presentation. Each effect is automatically changed after one second.

But wait – there is more. Open the Artistic Effects Options at the bottom and play with the options. These options change depending upon the artistic effect applied. But choosing the right options can dramatically change the artistic effect for better or worse. Finding the right effect and right proportion of options is the skill. Don’t worry, you will develop it with little practice.  Enjoy!

We saw a great way of using this feature in another article:
Applied Knowledge: How to show concept translating into reality using PowerPoint

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