A list of my articles relevant to HR, L&D and Human Capital Management personnel covering Efficiency Quantification, Capability Building, Maximizing Potential and common bottlenecks/ misconceptions. Of course, all this in the context of the most used yet most underutilized product called Microsoft Office!
- HR: Enhance your CV with a map
- How to hide inevitable spelling mistakes in your Resume?
- How to learn: Specific to Generic
- (in)Efficiency Tests
- How to conduct a WhatsAppinar
- How to create a multiple choice test using Office Mix
- You are suffering from “Inattentional Blindness”
- Don’t just make charts the way boss wants. Use Recommended Charts
- Educators, L&D : Create Professional Learning Content using PowerPoint + Mix
- Creating SCORM compliant content in PowerPoint using Office Mix
- Word Best Practices Video
- How to succeed in office politics using Excel!
- Trainers: How to prevent expectation mismatch
- Why “Tips and Tricks” approach is not useful for learning
- Common concern: Yammer will lead to uncontrollable misuse
- Learning to Learn: Building a Visual Vocabulary – PowerPoint Transitions
- How vs. Why: the right approach to teaching and learning
- How to create templates for common replies in Outlook
- Did you know: Outlook works with LinkedIn and Facebook?
- Use Split while replying to long mails
- Office Politics: How to ensure your mail is noticed and acted upon?
- Arrange meetings with yourself = Time Management
- Never delegate work using email: Use Outlook Tasks
- Basic vs. Advanced – the psychological deterrent to efficient Office usage!
- It is statistically impossible to be efficient in using Microsoft Office! Unless…
- Efficiency is dangerous!