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Reversing row order in Excel data

There are two simple approaches in reversing row order. One is to add an extra column with serial numbers and then sort on that column in descending order. This works for small amount of data. For large data it is best to import it in Power Query and choose Transform tab – Reverse Rows.

reversing row order in Excel data

Benefit of Power Query? It works on a smaller sample of data and then applies the transformation when you choose Save and Load option. This is much faster than getting all the data and then trying to sort it (which is the first method).

Why is this required? Usually required with logs where the first transactions or rows are at the bottom. So the data is received in reverse chronological order. Twitter feeds, Timeline Updates, Live blogs – all follow this pattern.

This method works independent of the time-stamp column. What is wrong with timestamp? It may be in different time formats, some rows may have same timestamp and some rows may have no timestamp at all.

4 Responses

  1. It may be a good idea to include “Applicable to software versions…” against each post so that users need not spend time, if the post is not applicable for them.

    1. Yes Krishnan.. I mention the relevant version in most cases, but not necessarily in a formal manner.
      in this case, i showed two methods. one works is all versions.

      besides.. if you realize that you don’t have the right version, at least you know that there is a better way. If the specific scenario is relevant to you, now you have a specific reason for trying to obtain the new version.

      Often the IT department already has the latest version licenses but they don’t deploy because nobody is asking for it.

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