
Useful keyboard shortcuts in Word

useful keyboard shortcuts in Word by Dr. Nitin Paranjape

Keyboard shortcuts for Word

Before you use these shortcuts, please read this article: How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some shortcuts which I have found useful. DO NOT try to memorize the shortcuts. Only if you use the functionality frequently you need to find or create and remember the shortcut.

Download a one page Word file

Triple Click Triple click anywhere in a paragraph to select the entire paragraph.
Shift Alt Up / Down arrow Press Shift Alt Up / Down arrow to move entire paragraphs up or down. Also works with multiple selected paragraphs and PowerPoint bullets.
Ctrl A Select Entire Document


Copy a picture of entire screen to the Clipboard. Ctrl V to paste it.

Use Alt PrtScr to copy only the active window image.

Ctrl Alt 1 / 2 / 3 Apply style Heading 1, 2 or 3
Ctrl Click Selects the current Sentence.
Ctrl Scroll


Pressing CTRL key while moving the mouse wheel zooms in / out. Works in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Internet Explorer and many other products.
Ctrl U

Ctrl Y

Ctrl Z = Undo last action

Ctrl Y = Redo last action

Supports 100 levels of undo / redo by default.

Ctrl Shift

> or <

Increase or decrease font size of the selected text.
Ctrl Alt V Paste Special. Provides many options to paste copied content in different formats.

Ctrl V does default paste.

Ctrl Shift V Paste only formatting from the source (Press Ctrl Shift C to copy).

Equivalent to the toolbar button called Format Painter


Or PgUp

If pressed after Finding some text, finds next or previous occurances of the found item being searched for.
Ctrl Shift N Apply Normal Style.

Useful when you want to remove all unwanted formatting and revert the text to regular body text quickly.

Ctrl Alt I Switch to Print Preview
Ctrl Alt M Insert a comment for the selected text or current position in text.
Ctrl Backspace / Ctrl Del Delete
one word to the
left (Ctrl Backspace) or
right(Ctrl Del)

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