When do you need this?
If you have a presentation which covers multiple topics and you want to have the interactivity to move from a main menu page to any topic, this article is for you.
We will use this presentation as an example…
Use this presentation for practice. Download Presentation
White colored slides are the base presentation. Second slide is sort of an agenda and menu slide. You ask the audience which topic they want and then click on the desired option.
Blue slides are for Word, green for Excel and pink for PowerPoint.
If you clicked on, say, Excel icon in second slide, then PowerPoint should show slides 6,7,8 and then COME BACK to slide 2.
Hyperlink is NOT the answer
Usually you will put hyperlink on the Excel icon to jump to slide 6. But you know the problem – it will just go to all slides after 6 and spill over to the PowerPoint slides. To avoid that we put another link on the 8th slide which gets you back to second slide.
There is a better way – using Custom Shows. Please read the previous article to understand how to create custom shows.
The solution
Step 1 – Create custom shows for each topic
This is easy. Just create three custom shows called Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Step 2 – Insert hyperlink to the CUSTOM SHOW (not to a specific slide)
Now click on each icon – in this case Excel and choose Insert Hyperlink…
Choose the CUSTOM SHOW in the hyperlink. The Show and return option is your best friend … but you never noticed it till now. Ha ha… why? Because most of the times this option used to be inactive – why? because this option requires you to select a custom show. And you did not ever create a custom show… why ? never mind.
Now you can run the presentation in an interactive manner.
What if you want to return to the main menu slide while you were half way through the Excel custom show? Don’t worry… just press Escape. It will go to the base slide. Next escape will stop the slide show (as expected). So remember, if you are in custom show, escape takes you one level back.
Sections v/s Custom Show
Office 2010 onwards, you can add sections to presentation to segregate various topics. These are similar to Custom Shows but following things are different.
- Sections are linear. Custom shows can contain slides in any order
- Every slide must be in some section. Custom show can contain only a subset of slides
- Hyperlink can be used only with custom shows – not with sections
I will cover sections in another article later.