Applied Knowledge: Delayed Capture in SnagIT
SnagIt offers a delayed capture option. Usually capture starts as soon as you invoke it. The delay is configurable in seconds. It is easy enough to understand how it works.
SnagIt offers a delayed capture option. Usually capture starts as soon as you invoke it. The delay is configurable in seconds. It is easy enough to understand how it works.
[youtube] 2 minute video shows you how to “really” use the eyedropper in PowerPoint 2013 to pick colors from ANYWHERE on the screen (not just the slide boundary).
Manual formatting takes time. For similar layout requirements, custom layouts are most suitable. Create once and reuse life-long! Estimated reading time 4 min
Sometimes you receive slides where the original layout is spoilt manually. You then struggle to get it back to normal – manually. Here is a ONE CLICK solution. Estimated reading
Interesting twist to the regular glow feature… Introducing Anti-glow! Have a look. I am sure you need it somewhere! Estimated reading time 10 min