Quiz time. This is a special quiz created using Office Mix – a new PowerPoint add-in from Microsoft. This time the stakes are higher USD 50. Ten questions. If you have been reading this blog, you should be able to derive the answers.
Best of Luck. Click here to start the quiz.
You must sign-in using either Microsoft, Facebook or Google account.
Choosing the winner – All answers must be correct, minimum attempts, minimum time. If there are many potential winners, then a random number will be generated to choose the winner. Ideally, I should choose the person who answered first in chronological order. However, this site is viewed from 80+ countries across different time zones. Therefore, to be fair to everyone, I will use the random number approach. Hope it is ok with everyone.
7 Responses
I am not able to login at https://mix.office.com/Account?ReturnUrl=%2Fwatch%2F1taxzbfkvkkdw
Use MS, Google or FB id
Not getting the login page. Tried with Firefox, Chrome and IE10.
Use this link https://mix.office.com/watch/1taxzbfkvkkdw
Same to same sir.
Now checked with Safari too.
I am sorry Kakesh, I tested again. It is working fine. Many people have already attempted the quiz. I can only suggest you try it from a different machine. Ensure that there is no firewall blocking the site.
I am travelling so got little late in participating.