
Send email to OneNote : me@onenote.com

This is a new feature introduced recently. You can send a mail to that address and it will appear in your OneNote on all devices. Nice and easy. Here is how you do it.

email to OneNote

Step One: Register your email ids

Go to this site OneNote email settings page. You will have to sign in with a Microsoft Account. If you don’t have one, create it.

There you will see all the Microsoft related addresses you have. You will need to login first time. These include Office 365, Live, Outlook and Hotmail addresses.


If you see your addresses, well and good. Might as well select all of them. No harm in that.

If you don’t see your email ids

If you don’t see your address – click on the link Don’t see the … Now it displays additional instructions.


Now click on the Microsoft Account Alias Settings link.


Type the full email id there and click next.  Wait for an email to be received – which contains the code. Copy paste the code in the textbox. Click Submit.


If you choose Use a different verification option,  you can use a text message to your mobile number to receive the code. In either case, enter the code and click Submit.

Add your alias here. Click Add alias.


Another round of verification will happen and then you are ready to go.

Sending a mail to OneNote

Once your addresses are registered, send a mail from any of the email ids.


Don’t worry, I put that weird number there to help me search for that page in OneNote easily Smile

Where does the mail go?

It goes to your default OneNote notebook on OneDrive (SkyDrive). When you first sign in to a OneDrive account, a notebook called Personal (Web) is created by default. This one has a section called Quick Notes. Contents of the mail you sent will land here as a new page.


I did not find any method of changing the default cloud notebook. You must use Personal(Web) notebook.

You should synchronize this notebook on your laptops and tablet devices. It also works on all mobile devices on Android, iPad, iOs and Windows Phone.

Mobile device limitations

OneNote on desktop is a very powerful application. Unfortunately, most phones have not reached that level yet. Therefore, following features will not work on mobile phones. Of course, the desktop content will not be disturbed. It will simply not be available when viewed on mobile devices.

  • Audio and video clips
  • Tags (other than the “To Do” checkbox tag)
  • Embedded or inserted files
  • Math equations
  • Ink drawings and handwriting

This is the unsupported list as on 3rd May 2014. Features are continuously added and updated. Therefore, update OneNote on your device to get latest features.

Sending mails from Outlook to OneNote

This feature exists for many years now. It works on Desktop versions only. Right click a mail and choose OneNote


Now it will ask you which notebook and section to put it in and create a page there. It is not just a copy paste. The page contains a mail links to the sender. Hovering the mouse cursor on hyperlinked names also allows Lync related functionality if you have Lync installed (chat, audio, video, etc.).

What next

In the next article, we will see another useful feature called OneNote Clipper.


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