Lat Long Converter for Power BI
Power BI and Power Map support mapping your own data using Latitude and Longitudes. Lat-longs are available in various formats. Power BI supports only decimal format. Unfortunately lot of data
Power BI and Power Map support mapping your own data using Latitude and Longitudes. Lat-longs are available in various formats. Power BI supports only decimal format. Unfortunately lot of data
Here is another short but power packed video which explains how analytics can drive growth. Read the related articles here. [youtube]
Here is an animated globe showing the new year dawning across time zones. Created using Power Map. You can also create it using Excel 2013 onwards. In the next article,
Hello from New Zealand. Here for 5 days conducting over 15 sessions for key customers. We have seen how to use Power Map for Excel and create geographical visualizations. Read
Yes. That is right. If you have worked with lots of customers, providing a list of customers consumes lot of space and nobody reads it anyway! Why not show the
Presentation download with reference links Download the Presentation (3 MB). I have added lots of links to related articles and external references including books written by stalwarts in Excel analytics
It is a powerful but often ignored feature of Power Pivot. It allows you to describe the meaning of the data column – independent of its field name. Estimated
This is a series of articles about people like me who deliver demos, conduct workshops and speak at keynotes. I will share what I have learnt about delivering high-impact demos
Recently I conducted a session for BI team of a large customer. This introduces the concept of end user BI to hard core developers. Have a look. It will give