The Beauty of Ctrl Alt 1 in Word and OneNote
Just noticed how the same shortcut Ctrl Alt 1 works across products. Even though this sounds like a cumbersome shortcut, it is very useful. Have a look: Word & OneNote
Just noticed how the same shortcut Ctrl Alt 1 works across products. Even though this sounds like a cumbersome shortcut, it is very useful. Have a look: Word & OneNote
In this post, I will discuss Ctrl A, the humble shortcut which almost everyone uses in the context of Word documents but nowhere else. The idea is simple. Ctrl A
This is a short post. But it is very nice and useful. I found it recently… I don’t know if this is documented – I did not check. While editing
This is a small but useful post. Spreadsheets become large very quickly. Lot of scrolling is required to navigate it. Scrolling vertically is easy. This way you can scroll one
Please read the previous two articles first. In this article we continue to explore the mouse usage scenarios further. In this article, I am using an abbreviated writing styles –
Keyboard shortcuts for Word Before you use these shortcuts, please read this article: How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts Here are some shortcuts which I have found useful. DO NOT try
This keyboard shortcut opens the thesaurus in Office products (including Outlook). So what is the big deal? Well… many of us know that the thesaurus exists. But we rarely use
Most common ways of invoking Paste Special are: Alt E S keyboard shortcut This was the older (2003 or before) version shortcut – Alt E = Edit Menu, S was