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Task Management Best Practices 2024 – New Planner

Learn how to manage tasks using the new Planner Office365 now has a combined way to handle your tasks, delegated tasks, flagged emails and more.


  1. Intro – 00:00
  2. Add Planner to Teams – 00:09
  3. Types of tasks – 00:34
  4. Planner menus – 01:29
  5. My day – 02:59
  6. No counts – 03:47
  7. Add a new task for yourself – 03:57
  8. To Do list – 04:51
  9. Types of delegation – 05:42
  10. Add a shared plan – 06:01
  11. Loop task delegation – 07:12
  12. Shared Task List – project plan – 08:00
  13. Summary – 08:59

Task Management

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