
Scrolling horizontally with Alt Page Down in Excel

This is a small but useful post.

Spreadsheets become large very quickly. Lot of scrolling is required to navigate it.

Scrolling vertically is easy.


This way you can scroll one screen of data at a time.

When it comes to scrolling horizontally, we just use right or left arrow keys. That is inefficient because it moves one column at a time. Not one SCREEN at a time.


Scrolling horizontally is ALSO easy




scrolling horizontally


Move between sheets

While we are at it there is another useful shortcut you should know.


Too many sheets?
Can’t find the one you want?

This is another common problem. The solution is to right click on the bottom left navigation arrows. In order versions of Excel, there were four arrow buttons (First, Previous, Next and Last). In 2013 there are only two buttons.

But in either case you can right click in that area to open a list of sheets.


Now you can find the sheet you want easily.


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