
Allowing Only Comments in Word

What if you want people to add comments but NOT edit the document itself? That is what I call Adding only comments in Word. This is possible! With just few clicks. Get amazed by the level of sophistication available in Word. Watch this video ( 8 min).

Don’t have time? I have also published a shorter version of the video (2:30 min)

Adding only comments in Word

Word has a powerful set of features called Restrict Editing. In an earlier article, I have discussed how to use this for preventing misuse of Track Changes and prevent others from cheating you.

This time we explore how we can make the document editable only for comments. We protect this setting using a password.

In addition, I have also covered a way in which we can send a custom toolbar along with Office documents. This way, the other person requires minimum effort to perform common activities (in this case, adding comments).

What if you want best of both worlds? You want only comments to be added, but few areas should be editable. No problem. Done. Have a look.

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