
YouTube Channel Optimization and Monetization

Video recording of the YouTube Channel Optimization session conducted at CIO Crown event in Mumbai, Hyatt Regency, Aug 2019. Attended by 180+ CIOs from across India. The importance of YouTube for corporate usage was explained along with tools and techniques.

The 30 minute video is fast-paced and covers content creation, SEO, Metadata, Community Engagement, Channel Customization and more…

YouTube Channel Optimization: Table of Contents

This was a fast-paced session. Lot of topics were covered in a short span of 30 minutes. Here is the table of contents to help you jump to a specific topic in the video. All these links will open the video at different points of time.

    1. Why use YouTube in business
    2. Useful shortcuts for watching YouTube Videos
    3. Tools for video creation
    4. Creating Playlists efficiently
    5. Video content quality
    6. Audio Quality
    7. What makes a video popular?
    8. Longer videos are better
    9. Use Long descriptions with TOC
    10. Create attractive custom Thumbnails
    11. Use many, relevant Tags
    12. Use Cards and End Screen
    13. Promoting Videos
    14. Keep Subscribe button always visible

Promoting Content

Promoting the videos is an important part of YouTube Channel Optimization. Here are some common ways people use to promote videos. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list. You need to find what works for you and go with it.

YouTube Channel Optimization - promoting videos

In corporate context, the videos which need promotion are usually related to a current topic like new product launch, new promotion or an event. This is best done by customizing the Email signature which can be easily done centrally by IT.

As people send thousands of emails every day, this method is very powerful and yet, it is completely free of cost.

Your feedback matters

I have tried to cover many topics in a short time so that you get an overview of the gamut of activities, skills and tools involved in running a successful YouTube channel.

Do post your feedback and let me know if this was useful.

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