
Office Efficiency Crash course

This is a jump start for using Office efficiently. It is called Office Efficiency Crash Course because it contains 120 “must know” things across Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive.

This session was conducted for 400+ MBA new joiners at WeSchool, Mumbai.

3 hr, 20 min video. Fast paced. With lot of demos.

Dr Nitin delivering the session at WeSchool, Mumbai

Office Efficiency Crash Course Table of Contents

It is a long video. You may want to see a particular product. Here is the product specific Table of Contents. Click on the link to jump to that part in the video.


120 topics are covered. Here is the detailed table of contents.

Detailed Table of Contents

1. Always store files on OneDrive
2. Auto Save – No file corruption
3. Share links – Not attachments
4. Automatic versioning
5. Use on Mobile / Tablet / Browser

6. Create one Excel sheet by default – not 3
7. Notice and correct all Green Marks
8. Understand how to capture GOOD data
9. Use Flash Fill to clean data instantly
10. Get and Transform to clean up data
11. Always use Excel Tables
12. Automatic Formulas and Charts update
13. Excel 3D maps
14. Recommended Charts
15. Sparklines
16. DO NOT use subtotals
17. Use Pivot Tables for analysis
18. Use Show Values As
19. Calculated Fields / Items
20. How to learn Excel functions
21. Learn PV, FV, PMT Excel Function Tutor
22. Learn Goal Seek
23. Stocks and Geography
24. Conditional Formatting
25. Instant Forecasting
26. Quick Analysis
27. Use Excel Print Layout (not print preview)
28. Importance of “” and – sign in Google Search

29. Start using Calendar
30. Understand Focus mode
31. Tasks Folder – Master list of work
32. Find time to execute the Tasks
33. Use color while communicating on email
34. If you want inputs, create a table

35. Use OneNote for all types of note taking
36. Link notes to meetings
37. Convert notes to Tasks
38. Browser Copy Paste to OneNote
39. Record audio during Meetings
40. Use OneNote Calculator
41. Print to OneNote and search printed text / pictures
42. Use Handwritten notes

43. Never use bullets
44. Create 3D Objects with Windows 10 Paint
45. Use 3D Clipart
46. Use Selection Pane
47. How to Crop
48. Remove background without Photoshop
49. Use AI – Design Ideas
50. Manage presentations using Sections
51. Create interactive menu with Insert Zoom
52. Use SmartArt instead of text
53. Learn all SmartArt diagrams
54. Use Icons instead of old clipart
55. Use and Customize Slide Layouts
56. Learn All Animations
57. Understand the Animation Pane
58. Learn all Transitions
59. Use Morph
60. Screen Recording within PowerPoint
61. Record narration in a presentation
62. Create video from PowerPoint
63. Embed fonts in presentation
64. Slides should not replace you… Use Presenter view

65. Shift Enter
66. Vertical Selection
67. Correct copy paste technique
68. Get 24 Clipboards
69. Use Styles – no more manual formatting
70. Word Navigation Pane
71. Automatic Table of Contents
72. Use Sections
73. Find word forms
74. Find text with similar formatting
75. Never use Tabs for alignment
76. Create / Draw Tables
77. Table Autofit
78. Repeat Header Rows
79. Images autofit
80. Custom Toolbar – QAT
81. Add to QAT
82. Word to PowerPoint
83. Dialog Launchers
84. Hyperlinks Ctrl K
85. Cross reference
86. Use Templates for common needs
87. Quick Parts in Word
88. Always use Theme color
89. Word Smart Lookup
90. Shift F7 Thesaurus
91. Word Grammar Editor
92. Word Researcher
93. Use Bibliography Feature
94. How to zoom out in Word – multiple pages
95. Ask for inputs in Comments with @
96. Edit PDF files with Word
97. 3 ways to use Find in Word
98. Encrypt files with password
99. Understand Save as Final
100. Track changes
101. Compare documents without track changes
102. Combine documents with multiple tracked changes
103. Use Format Painter (double click)
104. Browser editing of Office files
105. Reading view in Word
106. Focus mode in word

Assorted topics
107. Pin Office to Taskbar and Pin files + folders
108. Build Visual Vocabulary
109. Hands vs. Brain, Who is helping whom
110. How to learn
111. Use a password manager
112. Always use 2 factor authentication / Windows Pin / Hello
113. Mouse Right Drag
114. Shift Ctrl V = Paste Special
115. How to learn shortcuts
116. Learn typing
117. Use a mouse (not touchpad)
118. Install all mobile apps
119. Google, Apple, Microsoft
120. Buy Office 365

2 Responses

  1. It was a great session sir, Thank you.
    Sir, if possible can u share all the shortcut keys pdf, eg,Clearing line graphs inside the cell & all other shortcuts. I noticed that u used shortcuts and rarely used mouse unlike us. So if possible can u share the pdf or make a video on shortcut keys

    1. Hi Sankharva Dixit
      Thanks for the feedback. It is not that I don’t use mouse at all. I use mouse or keyboard – whichever is most efficient in a given situation. There are hundreds of shortcuts. I can post a list. But you will not be able to remember all of them. Learning shortcuts is easy. Remember that all shortcuts are shown in the tooltips. Therefore, if you are about to click on a frequently used button, just pause for a second and look at the tooltip. If the shortcut is shown, the see it few times. You will remember it.
      Clearing line graphs was not a special shortcut. It was a old shortcut from Office 2003. Alt E together followed by A A. Older shortcuts still work. In older version – Alt E was for opening Edit menu. Inside Edit menu A was the shortcut for Clear and within that A was for All. Therefore Alt E A A works even today – although the Edit menu itself is no longer there.

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