
Office Quiz: Win 20 USD Amazon Voucher

Office Quiz

I have not posted a quiz for a long time. Here it is – a quick one.

Office Quiz

When do you see this message “It’ just you here now.” while working with some Office applications?

Post your answer as a comment here. The first right answer gets 20 USD Amazon Gift Voucher. Please add your mail id so that we can send the voucher by email to you.

I will announce the winner tomorrow.

Update: The quiz is now closed. View the winner and the right answer here.

9 Responses

  1. It means that someone else was working on the document with you at the same time utilizing the co-authoring feature and now they have left so you are now the only one editing the document.

  2. It’s displayed when you are logged in and trying to comment on the document in comments options on Web or desktop version.

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