
PowerPoint Morph Transition/Animation Tutorial

Amazing presentation with few clicks using PowerPoint Morph

PowerPoint Morph is a revolutionary feature.   It eliminates the need for complex animation.  Technically speaking, PowerPoint Morph is a transition, but in reality it can be widely used a subtitute/enhancement for complex animation.  At the time of publishing this post, only Office Insiders have access to this feature. But no harm in learning the concept anyway. It will be released soon for all Office 365 customers.

Watch this 12 minute video to know all about it.

[youtube https://youtu.be/fok78oTxaB8]

Here is an example of how PowerPoint Morph can be used.

Example of PowerPoint Morph in action
PowerPoint Morph Example

Initially, you will feel that PowerPoint Morph does the same thing as what animation – especially Motion Path animation – does. But once you understand the nuances, you will realize its power. It is not a substitute to animation, it is an adjunct. Morph does lot of work which we would otherwise have to do manually.

In this video, I cover a quick demo, core concepts, working with simple shapes, complex shapes, images and text. But it is not just a demo. You will learn the concept and will gain insights into using it in your context.

You can download the actual presentation (10 MB, PPTX) containing all slides and Morph transition from here.  In order to reduce the file size, I have removed the email clutter slides.

If you do not have Morph feature yet, the presentation will still run but the Morph transition effects will not be visible.

Morph currently available to participants of Office Insider program – which is a sort of beta version. To participate in this program, go to the Office Insider web site.


PowerPoint Morph is not a substitute to animation

Both have their usage scenarios. Use the one which is most appropriate for your job at hand.

Use it only if it offers something which animation cannot manage

Animation does not require duplication of slides. But it is more difficult to manage. So you have to strike a balance between effort and file size.

Only duration can be changed in Morph

Morph is a new feature. It is still evolving. Animation has been there for decades. Therefore, animation gives you finer control. Morph just allows you to specify the duration as of now. But I am sure more features will be added to it in future.

Remember to choose the right Effect Option

Just applying Morph animation is not enough. There are three Effect Options – Object, Words, and Characters. You must choose the one which is relevant. At this point of time, you cannot have both Object and Characters.

It leads to increase in number of slides

As mentioned earlier, you must evaluate which one makes more sense. If PowerPoint Morph as well as Animation can do the job, I would say use Animation. Reserve Morph for things which animation simply cannot achieve.

Imagination is the limit

This is just the beginning. Use it, practice it and you will automatically get more creative ideas about where to use PowerPoint Morph.

Revisit recent presentations and look for Morph opportunities

Easiest way to practice your skills is to apply it to your business context. Use a recent presentation, go to each slide and see where Morph can be used. That is the best way of learning.


4 Responses

    1. Thanks Arnr. Feel free to post any queries you may have while trying to use the Morph feature.

  1. Sorry, I can’t download as your text :

    You can download the actual presentation (10 MB, PPTX) containing all slides and Morph transition from here. In order to reduce the file size, I have removed the email clutter slides.


    1. Hi
      Right click on the link and choose Save as or Save target as.
      I checked again. It works fine.

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