Very recently a nice new feature is added to Outlook. @name in Outlook is just like what we do in Twitter. You can just add @ followed by name of a person in the mail body text. The email id of that person will be added automatically to the TO box in the mail.
It works in Outlook Web Access (OWA) as well.
Once added, it becomes a hyperlink with a mailto: url.
Clicking on this hyperlink in Outlook (desktop version) shows the Contact Card.
This feature is available only if you use the Office 365 version of Office. This is called Office 365 Pro Plus.
Practical use of @name in Outlook
Usually we add the recipients BEFORE we compose the message. If it is a reply, people are already added to the message.
But invariably, while editing the message, we often need to add more people. That is the time @name in Outlook can be very useful.
This method is quite popular in Twitter. So now Outlook, the old-timer, is adapting to the new world of social mentions. Nice.