I am sure you have noticed. But just in case. Outlook 2013 is smarter. It analyzes what you are writing in the mail (NO. It does not send that information to Microsoft nor use it for advertising!). It uses that information to warn you if you have forgotten to attach a file. Usually, we realize the mistake AFTER sending the mail and then we send an “oops” mail with the attached file. It makes you look sloppy and unprofessional. Here is the solution:
Now, if Outlook detects that you have referred to a file in the content, it offers a friendly attachment reminder warning when you click the SEND button:
If you think this is smart, we are just beginning. There is much more smartness built-into Outlook. You don’t have to do anything extra – just NOTICE what it is telling you. These are called “Mail Tips”. We did cover it briefly in this article: How does Outlook help prevent silly mistakes?
But I realized that not many people have noticed it yet. I will cover it in more detail in upcoming articles.