This is a recording of the session conducted at WeSchool – Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai on 23rd Jun 2019. All business users will find this video useful. Work Efficiency Transformation using Office 365 is relevant to any organization using the Office 365 platform.
Duration: 3 hr 12 min
This video demonstrate efficient usage of various tools including Outlook, Excel, Power BI, OneDrive, Teams and Planner.
The audience consisted of 200+ working professionals pursuing the WeSchool MBA course. Smart and attentive audience. In spite of it being a Sunday, everyone was fully engrossed and interested in learning more. Special thanks to Prof. Pradeep Pendse who invited me to conduct the session, it was a pleasure addressing such a large and intelligent audience.
Table of Contents
Jump to a specific topic in the video.
Excel and Power BI
3D Map in Excel
Teams and Planner
4 Responses
It’s a very helpful session sir
Thanks Mayurika. If you have any queries, do post them here.
It was a great session sir, Thank you.
Sir, if possible can u share all the shortcut keys pdf, eg,Clearing line graphs inside the cell & all other shortcuts. I noticed that u used shortcuts and rarely used mouse unlike us. So if possible can u share the pdf or make a video on shortcut keys
Hi Sankharva Dixit
Thanks for the feedback. It is not that I don’t use mouse at all. I use mouse or keyboard – whichever is most efficient in a given situation. There are hundreds of shortcuts. I can post a list. But you will not be able to remember all of them. Learning shortcuts is easy. Remember that all shortcuts are shown in the tooltips. Therefore, if you are about to click on a frequently used button, just pause for a second and look at the tooltip. If the shortcut is shown, the see it few times. You will remember it.
Clearing line graphs was not a special shortcut. It was a old shortcut from Office 2003. Alt E together followed by A A. Older shortcuts still work. In older version – Alt E was for opening Edit menu. Inside Edit menu A was the shortcut for Clear and within that A was for All. Therefore Alt E A A works even today – although the Edit menu itself is no longer there.