
Windows wide Clipboard History

I hope you know that Office gives you 24 clipboards (not just one). Now, Windows 10 also gives multiple clipboards (starting Oct 2018 update). It is called Windows Clipboard History.

Enable Windows Clipboard History

Simple method, just press Windows key + V. It will ask you to enable Windows Clipboard History. Click the Turn On button. That’s it.


The official way is to Go to Settings – search for Clipboard and enable it.

Windows Clipboard History enable option

How to copy into the clipboard?

Nothing new here. Use the copy option in any software or Ctrl C – as usual. What is different is that earlier we used to get only ONE clipboard. So if you copied something else, the earlier clipboard content is overwritten.

If you press Ctrl V, the current clipboard will be pasted – again as usual.

But now, there is another option.

Windows V – Windows Clipboard History shortcut

If you press Windows key with V, you will see a list of various items you have copied earlier. You can now choose which one you want to paste. The windows appears at the current cursor location in a document.

The list is visual. You can actually see the contents of the clipboard.

Click on the one you want to paste.

Pin frequent items to the Windows Clipboard History so that you don’t lose them.

When is the Windows Clipboard History cleared

It is cleared when you restart the PC. The Pinned items will be available even after a restart.

What is stored in the history

Maximum clipboard size is 4 MB. It is a very powerful clipboard. It understands all kinds of objects – not just text and images. For example, it can copy paste PowerPoint slides, Adobe Illustrator objects and so on.

Understand the risk

Past data is stored in the history. So anyone who uses the Windows V shortcut on your PC (in your login) will see all the past clipboard entries.


Windows Clipboard History shortcut image

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