
How to convert Handwritten notes to Tasks

OneNote works well with a stylus to capture handwritten notes. But did you know that you could convert the Handwritten notes to Tasks? Here is how.

Handwritten notes to Tasks in OneNote

Select the handwritten note (click, touch, lasso select). Right click (extended touch) if required. From the toolbar open the Outlook Tasks dropdown. Choose the deadline. Choose Custom to enter specific deadline and / or delegate the task using Assign Task option. That’s it.

Handwritten notes to Tasks - Toolbar

Now go to Task folder in Outlook and check the Task entry. The handwriting is automatically converted to text. The reference to the original handwritten item in OneNote is automatically embedded. Do not delete it. This reference helps Outlook mark the equivalent action item in the OneNote Page as complete.

Handwritten notes to Tasks - shown in Outlook

When the task is marked as complete in Outlook, the equivalent task (handwritten text) in OneNote will be marked as complete automatically (a green tick mark).

Handwritten notes to Tasks feature works with Desktop version of OneNote. This is an amazing example of integration across the Office platform.

For learning more about OneNote read these articles.


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